Welcome to the
Princeton Chase
Homeowners Association.

We would like to wish all of our Princeton Chase neighbors a joyful holiday season filled with warmth, laughter, and quality time with loved ones. As we enter 2025, let's renew our interest and commitment to our community.

Postponement of December Quarterly Meeting

UPDATE: Neighbors, the December meeting has moved into January 2025. Please mark your calendars for the meeting on January 11, 2025. Time remains at 11 a.m. We also need your nominations for a new leadership board. Check the Neighborhood Spotlight for additional details. Voting will take place at the January meeting.

Remember our meetings are on Zoom and the details can be found on our private Facebook page.

Building a sense of community. Help Princeton Chase HOA (PCHOA) meet goals for 2024!!!

Neighbors: Although fall is slowly creeping up, its never too late to make your annual donation to Princeton Chase HOA for 2024. The nominal fee of $100/year is considerably less than our surrounding neighboring subdivisions. Consistently, we have about a 10%-12% participation rate. Can you spare $8.33/month? If we increased participation to 50%, we could easily cover our basic needs. Additional funds will enable us to work on other community initiatives, like fixing up the tennis court.

The fee of $100/household helps to support causes in our neighborhood including but not limited to:

·         Lighting and maintenance of front entrance. Did you know our lights on the front entrance have been out because we don’t have enough funds to cover the repair?

·         Landscaping of common areas (front entrance and community lot)

·         Technology (website hosting fees, Google storage, Zoom access

·        Connecting with neighbors at fellowship events

·         Other services (printing newsletters, PO Box rental, maintaining government records for 503c status)

Won’t you please consider making a donation? Several options are available for submitting donation:

1. Via credit/debit card or PayPal using the Donate link on our secure website OR

2. CashApp (see the QR code) OR

3. Mail a check made out to Princeton Chase Homeowners Association; P.O. Box 1497; Fayetteville, GA 30214     OR

4. Contact the Princeton Chase Treasurer directly (Ellen Blake - (470) 263-5034)

PCHOA has obtained 503c status so your donation is tax deductible.  Add us to your giving list and make your donation TODAY so we can continue supporting the initiatives of the community. THANK YOU in advance for your support!


The Princeton Chase Community Group has changed its name. The new name is Princeton Chase Homeowners Association. Princeton Chase Homeowners Association will be used in and on all official correspondence in the future. The homeowner’s association has applied for non-profit status with the Internal Revenue Service. This will lessen our cost and may allow you to deduct some or all of your donations to the association on your taxes. Please confer with your tax consultant about this deduction.

Princeton Chase Homeowners Association Document Portal

All documents are stored using a public Google Drive. Depending upon your browser, this may require you to sign into your Gmail account to access or upload documents.

PCC Xmas Caroling 2018 - pic 06.jpg

Upcoming events.

Join us for monthly events and meetings.

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